Improvements - Health Service Providers

These improvements were initiated by health service providers during 2019-2020:


  • Review and update of patient profiles in collaboration with General Practitioners and local clinics to ensure patient records are up to date.
  • Cross-skilling of staff and sharing of jobs to ensure all staff are familiar with the requirements in each role.

General Practice

Staff training - Improved education and training in immunisation, updated vaccination lists in each consulting room for staff to refer to and the employment of three additional nurse immunisers.


Improved practice processes in relation to written quotes in line with the Royal Australian College of Surgeons Position Paper Informed Financial Consent.

Public Hospital – Specialist Service

Invitation for a consumer to be a consumer representative for a project to be undertaken in relation to the service, review of the service and education and training to all staff.

Where to next?

Improvements - OHCC

Last updated: 30 April 2021